Sobre nós

Tratamento da Dor


Medicina Esportiva

Cirurgia Geral

Buco Maxilo

Instruções de Uso

Nerve block

For all purposes.

Nerve block is a minimally invasive technique with the purpose of interrupting nociceptive stimuli at or near its origin.1



Enable the patient to experience the sensations of sensory deficits that occur after the block, in such a way that allows him to decide whether or not to perform it. 


cânula para bloqueio de nervos p.block

Cannula Kit

Simple block

cânula para bloqueio de nervos simple block

Ideal for those seeking agility and practicality during the procedure.

Ecogenic tip

Clear and sharp vision.

The simple block cannula kit has a trifaceted bevel so that the percutaneous puncture is smoother in all layers of tissue until the desired target.

Its echogenic tip allows, above all, a clear and precise visualization with the use of ultrasound equipment.

ponta da cânula para bloqueio de nervos simple block


Ergonomics for handling.

An unequivocally simple and comfortable design. However, it offers total control to the surgeon when handling the cannula, as well as during the entire puncture.

hub da cânula para bloqueio de nervos simple block

Injection tube

Practicality in the procedure.

For a more practical procedure, the simple block cannula kit has an injector tube with a luer lock connection. This way it is easier to administer drugs that will block the desired nerve.

Conector Luer Lock pertencente ao Kit Cânula Simple Block para bloqueio de nervos

Marker and ruler

Planning just got easier.

marcador e escala de planejamento cirúrgica do Kit Cânula Simple Block

In conclusion, the simple block cannula kit comes with a marker and ruler to facilitate planning according to the desired technique before starting the procedure. That way, it becomes faster and more efficient, in other words, it provides a better experience for the doctor and patient.

Simple block cannula kit

Codes and models

Ref. product Diameter Useful length Qty. Cannulas
SBK2110 21G 3.94 in (100mm) 1
SBK2110-2 21G 3.94 in (100mm) 2
SBK2115 21G 5.91 in (150mm) 1
SBK2115-2 21G 5.91 in (150mm) 2

Cannula Kit


cânula para bloqueio de nervos p.block

Precision. Certainly everything you need to find the target.

Guided puncture

Markings every 0.39 in (1cm).

The cannula of the p.Block kit for nerve block has markings every 0.39 in (1cm) so that the doctor can orient himself during the depth of the puncture.

marcação centimetrada da cânula para bloqueio de nervos p.block

Cannula attributes

Indispensable for nerve block.

Undeniably, percutaneous stimulation helps in locating the nerve, offering greater precision during blockade. Therefore, the cannula of the p.Block kit has a stimulation cable with a universal plug to be compatible with the main stimulating devices on the market.

In addition, the cannula also has an injection tube with a leuer-lock connection so that the syringe is attached for the purpose of delivering drugs during nerve block.

cabo de estimulação e tubo injetor da cânula para bloqueio de nervos p.block

Target location

Simplicity and security.

The cannula of the p.Block kit is coated with an insulating layer in such a way that only its cutting bevel has an active area. Thus, the electrical stimulation is done only in the desired region. In addition, it has an echogenic tip 0.39 in (1cm) long in order to facilitate the location in procedures guided by ultrasonography.

ponta ecogênica da cânula para bloqueio de nervos p.block

Kit accessories

Without a doubt, we think of convenience.

Undeniably, two very simple items, however indispensable for the nerve block procedure. The syringe and needle are used to collect the drug that will be administered later during the block. Both make up the p.Block cannula kit and are equally sterile and ready for use.

seringa e agulha do kit cânula para bloqueio de nervos p.Block

p.Block cannula kit

Codes and models

Ref. product Diameter Useful length Qty. cannulas
PBK2110 21G 3.94 in (100mm) 1
PBK2110-2 21G 3.94 in (100mm) 2
PBK2115 21G 5.91 in (150mm) 1
PBK2115-2 21G 5.91 in (150mm) 2

Cannula kit

Safe block

kit cânula safe block com matriz radiopaca para bloqueio de nervos

Practicality and precision, but in addition, safety and protection.

Radiopaque matrix

Minimizes radiation exposure.

x-grid matriz radiopaca do kit cânula safe block para bloqueio de nervos

Matrix advantages.

visão da fluoroscopia do x-grid matriz radiopaca do kit cânula safe block para bloqueio de nervos

Risks of radiation exposure.

According to studies, more than 90% of surgeons are unaware that real-time fluoroscopy undeniably exposes patients to a greater amount of radiation. In addition, they believe that most surgeons certainly need additional education in order to raise awareness about radiation exposure.²

X-ray exposure

The effects of radiation exposure may surprisingly not be seen for decades after exposure.


Safe Block cannula kit

Codes and models

Ref. product Diameter Useful length Qty. cannulas Matix size
SBK21100P-1 21G 3.94 in (100mm) 1 Small
SBK21100P-2 21G 3.94 in (100mm) 2 Small
SBK21150P-1 21G 5.91 in (150mm) 1 Small
SBK21150P-2 21G 5.91 in (150mm) 2 Small

Talk to our team!

Products registered with the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency ANVISA.
80195520029 – Simple Block cannula kit
80195520024 – p.Block cannula kit
80195520028 – Safe Block cannula kit


1 – Programa de educação continuada em fisiopatologia e tratamento da dor 2019. Aula prof. Hazem A. Ashmawi
2 – Rampersaud RY, et al: Radiation exposure to the spine surgeonduring fluoroscopically assisted pedicle screw insertion. Spine 2000; 25:2637-45.​
3 – Tsai KJ, et al: Multiple parallel skin markers for minimal incisionlumbar disc surgery; a technical note. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders2004, 5:8.​
4 – Kim, et al: Use of a radiopaque localizer grid to reduce radiationexposure. Annals of Surg Innov and Research 2011, 5:6.​