Sobre nós

Tratamento da Dor


Medicina Esportiva

Cirurgia Geral

Buco Maxilo

Instruções de Uso

Full Vert


Full Vert


Agility in cementing

the fractured vertebra

The percutaneous vertebroplasty is a procedure that consists of the injection of bone cement into the fractured vertebral body.

The procedure is guided by fluoroscopy and aims to stabilize the vertebral body and recover its functional capacity. Thus, vertebroplasty provides well-being to the patient, as it prevents the progression of the fracture.

It is a fast and safe technique and can provide pain relief in 95% of cases of osteoporotic fractures.1

Working cannula

Technical Features

cânula de trabalho vertebroplastia

Biopsy cannula

Technical Features

cânula de biópsia vertebral para vertebroplastia

Biopsy cannula

Technical Features

cânula de biópsia vertebral para vertebroplastia

Cement injection device

Technical Features

dispositivo injetor de cimento ósseo

Cement injection device

Technical Features

dispositivo injetor de cimento ósseo

Bone cement mixing

Technical Features

misturador cimento ósseo

Codes and models

11G – 120mm 11G – 150mm 13G – 120mm
1 cannula VHU12011 VHU15011 VHU12013
2 cannulas VHB12011 VHB15011 VHB12013
3 cannulas VHT12011 VHT15011 VHT12013
4 cannulas VHQ12011 VHQ15011 VHQ12013
5 cannulas VHC12011 VHC15011 VHC12013
6 cannulas VHS12011 VHS15011 VHS12013
Product registered with the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency ANVISA under number 80195520033


1- Barr JD, Barr MS, Lemley TJ, McCann RM. Percutaneous vertebroplasty for pain relief and spinal stabilization. Spine. 2000;25(8):923-8.